Migraine can be distressing complaint which is often brought on by stress and poor sleep patterns. Sometimes a Migraine episode can be excruciating and debilitating, there have been studies, mainly in America that shows a direct link between professional therapeutic massages and both the decrease in the level of pain, the frequency and intensity of the attacks. Massage therapy not only works for chronic migraine attacks it is an effective alternative remedy for tension headaches as well.
massages recommended for Migraine suffers
Shiatsu is known to have a massive effect for this type of chronic headache. There are pressure points in the neck and head that primarily can be focused upon. These pressure points are along muscle lines, nerve pathways and blood vessels, this can be accompanied by some stretching. Other tried and tested methods for this type and other headaches are Reflexology, Swedish massage, the most popular treatment for well being.
There is usually a few choices of massage therapy for most ailments and injuries and you need to find the one that is best suited to you as we are all different and are more receptive to different treatments. It is suggested that any massage that relaxes your muscles will help alleviate the condition as relaxation is often the key.