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When Should You Get a Sports Massage?

When Should You Get a Sports Massage? POSTED BY ADMIN | massage | 07 May

It should be understood from the start that there is a difference between the amateur and the professional athlete and this status therefore affects when the client should have a sports massage, if the need for a sports massage is indeed related to their sporting activities at all. For, despite its name, it is not only athletes who benefit from sports massage. The techniques employed by a highly trained therapist for sports massage work, largely addresses the prevention and/or the necessary healing process of injuries to the soft tissues, the tendons as well as the muscles and is therefore beneficial for anyone suffering an injury, experiencing the pain that goes with it and the potential loss of mobility or restricted motion.

Many of the clients who regularly book a sports massage at Manchester Massage may not be at the elevated levels of the elite or professional athletes, but feel the need of this intensive massage session because of their regular attendance at a local gym, a long cycling trip over the weekend, or indeed any of the sporting interests so many health conscious people are involved in these days. The sports massage Manchester Massage therapists provide, also helps those suffering from the aches and pains resulting from their occupation.

Booking a sports massage in Manchester, clients should expect a full body massage, with emphasis on trouble spots, but covering the arms, legs and upper body. As while the client may feel the pain from an injury in one area, the body tenses to compensate and creates tightness in other areas as well. Whilst your skilled and experienced therapist may well be able to identify an injury, a massage is not a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis. In fact, many GPs refer their patient to a qualified sports masseuse to run alongside their own treatment as a tool to aid recovery. Also good to know, is that soaking in a bath with a good concentration of Epsom Salts helps offset soreness in the hours after the massage session.

One handy hint for anyone attending a salon in Manchester for a massage, is that before coming in to experience a treatment from one of our knowledgeable therapists, it is always better to keep to a light meal only, as the digestive process in full swing will slow down the body and make time on the massage table feel somewhat unpleasant.

A sports massage is not a luxury, but part of the care anyone should give to their body when it is overtaxed, either by sport itself or from work.