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Home -> Blog -> Why Does A Manchester Thai Massage Remind Me Of Yoga?

Why Does A Manchester Thai Massage Remind Me Of Yoga?

Why Does A Manchester Thai Massage Remind Me Of Yoga? POSTED BY ADMIN | massage | 23 Aug

Clients find that the location of this Thai Massage Piccadilly Manchester salon is so convenient and they can fit in sessions in their lunch hour or after work. Some clients who have attended yoga sessions in the past do comment on the similarities of some yoga moves and the Thai therapist arranging their body into similar poses or positions. The purpose of yoga is to activate an energy in your body which will open up higher levels of consciousness.In a similarway the aim of the Manchester Thai Massage therapist is not simply to stretch the muscles throughout the body, but to enablea free flow of life energy through the Sen lines which allows healing to take place. For some, both yoga and Thai massage no longer follow their original spiritual principles but are practiced as a physical exercise regime or just another body work-out therapy. The primary difference at this level, is that yoga is practiced on oneself, whist those Thai Massage Manchester clients who come to this, or any salon, are manipulated and moved into yoga-like positions by the therapist. This is why Thai Massage is perceived by many clients as having this similarity and is often known by the term “applied yoga” or “passive yoga”.

Clients attending this Manchester Thai Massage salon are advised before they begin their treatment that they should declare any adverse medical problems, as Thai Massage is not suitable for some people with certain medical conditions. Thai Massage Manchester therapists at this very professional salon, do highlight the need to tell them of any conditions such as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, heart disease or neurological disease which may be impacting on the spinal cord and would mean they could not receive a Thai massage. Regular and dedicated yoga practice is known to bring great benefits to those that persevere in this discipline, but it does demand time, commitment and study. Thai Massage Piccadilly Manchester clients find that a series of Thai Massage sessions can also deliver great benefits, notdissimilar to yoga. These benefits canbe attained by our talented massage therapists who specialise in Thai massage to clients who do not have time or perhaps the inclination to practice yoga themselves.

Going to one of our Manchester Thai Massage therapists enables clients to improve their physical wellbeing as well as their energy and awareness, their massage techniques open up the flow of energy lines which bring about an improvement to the feeling of positivity and a physical improvement and healing. In Thai Massage, there are two people involved in the session, the client is there as the receiver, acting in a passive role, and the authentic and skilled therapist who is the active partner. These clients rely upon the knowledge of the practitioner to make them feel better emotionally and physically. In comparison however, yoga can be seen as a long-term commitment. Many people these days have such a hectic lifestyle that they are not always able to dedicate the amount of time needed to practice yoga, but any client who are not seeking yogic higher awareness, will benefit greatly from visiting an experienced Thai massage therapist.