A regular massage simply uses various techniques and hand movements to relax the body and release pain from the muscles. However adding the qualities of oil, the treatment can turn into an even more relaxing and calming service with all the sensations enhanced. The Manchester oil massage is a real treat for the body as it offers many more benefits due to the addition of the oil which improves movements as the therapist’s hands glide over the skin to deeply relax the client. The oil massage is known to have originated over 3000 years ago in China or India and uses the ancient ideology of Ayurvedic medicine to create the impressive techniques still used today to heal the body.
Which oil should you choose?
There is a range of oils available and essential oils can also be added where the aroma provides different benefits for the body, whether you are looking for relaxation, stress relief or energy boosts. The ideal oils for relaxation and calm include lavender, chamomile and geranium oil or if you need an uplifting treatment you should choose rose, ylang-ylang or neroli oil. Rosemary oil is ideal for boosting your energy or if you are suffering from congestion in your sinuses, eucalyptus and tea tree oil are the most suitable options for you! The expert therapist will help you decide the perfect essential oil to be used and only a few drops are mixed with the massage oil to ensure you receive the full benefits if you choose this additional element.
The benefits:
Increased circulation: the movements of the therapists’ hands help to increase the blood flow around the body which improves your energy and adds a little more colour to your complexion.
Aches and pain relief: with the help of the oil, the hands glide over the skin and the therapists target the aching muscles and related soft tissue to achieve instant pain relief.
Reduced stress and anxiety:the sensation of the oil along the body helps to calm clients’ minds and is essential to leave you feeling less stressed and anxious.
Deep relaxation: the use of the oil enhances the feelings of relaxation to ensure clients feel calmer and rested after a session.
Improve posture: as the body relaxes during the massage, the therapist also manipulates the muscles to help realign the back and therefore improve your posture.
A full body oil massage is a popular treatment to receive for many clients who enjoy a regular treatment for the benefits gained. Your skin is guaranteed to feel smoother and look brighter after a session and your mind is sure to feel relaxed. Book a regular appointment today and you will discover why a full body oil massage near you is so popular with many clients!