A massage of the hands is possibly the quickest and most immediate form of relaxation; you may choose to finish off your manicure or nail treatments with a hand massage, or maybe you find it a treat that can be fitted into a short session of essential “me time” during a busy day. A 15-minute hand massage will deliver on pure relaxation as well as nourishing the skin on your hands, one part of the body that works harder than almost any other. This is one quick fix which not only helps you to de-stress, but keeps your skin and nails nourished. Those working on computer keyboards or doing other jobs which involve repetitive hand movements will, in particular, understand the benefits of a massage of the hands, wrists and lower arms.
The use of pure aromatherapy oil or hand lotion will feed your skin and enhance your sense of wellbeing. Your therapist, by using a variety of different techniques, will gently stretch the muscles connecting your wrist, fingers and palm, warm the skin and loosen your hand by gently rubbing and stroking, employ light pressure to relax tension and work each of the finger and wrist joints to loosen their movement. Not only is a hand massage a quick way to relax, but is a genuine relief for clients who are affected by poor circulation.