We are at an age where muscle injuries are more prevalent then they were half a century ago. Not necessarily because we exercise more or do more sport or exercise harder. It’s very much due to the fact that life is more sedentary and because of that we find that we have less les flexibility as we age our joints tend to tighten consequently restricting movement. Having a regular massage is a good way to improve and maintain flexibility by working the muscles as well as the supporting tissues such as ligaments and tendons. This enables the joints to be more fluid and consequently less susceptible to injury. The stretching of the muscles also stimulates blood circulation which can aid recovery from either illness or injury, elongating the muscles will also will improve the range of movement in the joints.
Best massages for enhanced movement and flexibility
As you can probably guess from the name the Manchester sports massage is designed to cope with sports injuries as well as to be proactive and try and minimize their occurrence . It is a useful therapy for repairing over used muscles as well as aiding greater flexibility. The other main type is Thai massage as it actively promotes greater flexibility of the body. The treatment works the whole of the body stretching and twisting various parts of the anatomy. It also improves circulation and raises energy levels as well as helping in pain management issues and stress management.