When back pain strikes it can affect your day to day activities considerably, and when 2 in every 3 peoplein the UK suffer from back pain at some time in their life to the extent that they seek treatment or an over the counter remedy, then that is most of us!The massage therapists at this massage centre in the Northern Quarter of Manchester know exactly how to help. Of course, the treatment depends on whether it is a back, neck and shoulders problem at the top of the torso or in fact, a lower back pain which is the challenge. And that in itself is often due to the cause. Because back pain can be due to bad posture, often afflicting those who sit with a poor postural position hunched forward over a keyboard, or from not lifting correctly and putting an unnecessarily hard strain on the muscles and related soft tissues, amongst many other reasons. Therapists who have taken a back massage training course are essential for many clients who need help to get on top of the pain and release the knots.
Many of our well qualified Manchester masseuses will not only give a thorough back massage, but also offer advice on ways to keepthat looseness and improved movement maintained between sessions. Really, they are only things that we should be doing every day to keep our bodies healthy and functioning to the max, but we all, so often, neglect them. Stretching daily is a great place to start and something that if we put our minds to it, we could all incorporate into our daily routine without any effort at all. Just do those stretches while you are waiting for the kettle to boil or the toaster to pop in the morning, instead of just standing there aimlessly. Doing small things like this regularly can pay you back ten times over!
Strengthening your core muscles is essential if you want to improve your back in the long term alongside those remedial massages, Again, a simple exercise such as liftingone knee upwards to 90°, holding for 2 seconds at the top of the lift and then lowering back down to starting position in a slow and controlled motion, while keeping the deep core muscles contracted while you do it will build the core nicely. But not once! Make it 3 sets of 10 repetitions for a positive result. A healthy lifestyle will also help, so take regular walks, and don’t forget to address your posture, especially when you are at work, and learn to lift correctly, whether it is work related or you are at home with a toddler! And of course, watch your weight.
It all boils down to the fact thatback pain can be helped considerably if you are physically fit. Typically, a weak back and stomach muscles may not have the core strength to support the spine properly. As our experienced therapists know, the other side of the coin is often seen with clients who have decided to join a gym and have exercised too forcefully after being inactive for a while! So, everything in moderation! Our back massage therapists will be able to help and release that tension and those painful knots, so with their expertise and your resolution to exercise a little more, you should be well on the way to improving that nagging back pain!